Master the `cat` command in Linux to display, combine, and create text files efficiently. This guide covers basic usage, advanced options, and practical applications.byHasanul Haque Banna

Mastering the cat Command in Linux

In the world of Linux, the cat command is a fundamental utility that every user should understand. Short for "concatenate," cat is used to display, combine, and create text files. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, mastering cat can significantly enhance your efficiency in managing files. This guide provides an in-depth look at the cat command, its syntax, options, and practical applications.

What is the cat Command?

The cat command is primarily used for reading and concatenating files. It reads data from files and outputs their contents to the terminal or another file. Its simplicity and versatility make it an indispensable tool in any Linux user's toolkit.

Basic Usage of cat

To use cat, simply type cat followed by the filename. For example:

cat filename

This command will display the contents of "filename" in the terminal like below:

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Display Multiple Files

You can also concatenate and display multiple files:

cat file1 file2

This command combines the contents of "file1" and "file2" and displays them sequentially.

Creating Files with cat

The cat command can be used to create new files from the terminal:

cat > filename

After executing this command, you can type the content for the new file. To save and exit, press Ctrl+D. Let's see an example:

Blog Post Image by Hasanul Haque Banna

on the above picture there is a directory called 'test', under that directory we have created a file as `example.txt`.

Appending Data to Files

Appending content to an existing file is straightforward with cat:

cat file1 >> file2

This appends the contents of "file1" to "file2" without overwriting the existing data. Let's see the previous example:

Blog Post Image by Hasanul Haque Banna

on the above picture, we have a file example.txt and that contains some dummy text like "Line no 1 to 3". Now the next picture we have created a new file called `example2.txt` where nothing exists or any dummy text. But by the following command we are seeing the same dummy text as the example.txt contains:

Blog Post Image by Hasanul Haque Banna

Advanced cat Command Options

Numbering Lines

To add line numbers to the output, use the -n option:

cat -n filename

This will display the contents of "filename" with each line numbered like below:

Blog Post Image by Hasanul Haque Banna

Displaying End-of-Line Characters

To make the end of each line visible, use the -E option:

cat -E filename

This will append a $ character at the end of each line, which can be useful for identifying line endings. Let's see with our previous example.txt file:

Blog Post Image by Hasanul Haque Banna

Showing Non-Printable Characters

To reveal non-printable characters, the -v option is used:

cat -v filename

This displays non-printable characters in a visible format, which can be helpful for debugging.

Combining with Other Commands

cat command becomes even more powerful when combined with other Linux commands. For instance, you can use cat with less or more to page through large files:

cat filename | less

in the next picture, we enter the following command

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it looks like nothing is there but the below picture shows the output of that command:

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cat filename | more

the below picture shows the output of the following command:

Blog Post Image by Hasanul Haque Banna

This allows you to scroll through the file one page at a time, which is particularly useful for large files

Practical Applications of cat

Creating Scripts

You can use cat to quickly create small scripts:

cat >

Type your script, then press Ctrl+D to save. Make the script executable with:

chmod +x

Now, you can run your script with:


Best Practices for Using cat

While cat is a powerful tool, it’s important to use it efficiently:

  • For viewing large files, prefer using less or more to avoid flooding the terminal.
  • When combining files, ensure you have write permissions to avoid errors.
  • Use cat in scripts to automate tasks, but consider alternatives like echo for simple text outputs to improve readability and performance.


The cat command is an essential tool in Linux for managing text files. Its versatility in displaying, creating, and combining files makes it invaluable for everyday tasks. By mastering the various options and applications of cat, you can streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity in the Linux environment.